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Microsoft Offers Yet One More Way To Share Word Docs

Sometimes Microsoft is so in love with an idea that it finds a myriad of ways to do it. That is certainly the case with sharing Word docs, and in particular, sharing them live (or at least semi-live).

The newest technique is to use SkyDrive and invoke the Word Web App service. With this service up, you can see if someone else is working on a shared document file. If you want to see their exact changes, you'll have to refresh the document or section.

Those who want to see the changes as they happen on screen can try collaborating using the OneNote Web App, which supports that dynamic feature. Or you can use Office 2010 or Office for Mac 2011 and get even more functions offline while still using these online collaboration tools.

I spend most of my time working with documents, but never quite felt the need share files this way. I like having total control of my work.

What about you? Do you like to share or are you overly protective of documents as I am? Let us know at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 07/11/2011 at 1:18 PM


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