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Security Still Dark Side of the Cloud

Apologies if this newsletter is cloud-heavy, but that seems to be what's going on this week. And IT really has to face these issues as vendors continue to pound customers, and CEOs and CFOs continue to press IT for savings -- which the cloud may or may not offer.

Despite all this pressure, IT has to do what's right, and many cloud questions still remain. One of the biggest concerns is security. If the cloud isn't secure, and you put your apps up there, it is your butt on the line -- not Amazon or RackSpace (and certainly not the CEO or CFO).

These fears were backed recently by a survey from nCircle, where less a third of respondents felt that cost savings (and these are potential cost savings, mind you) were so great as to overcome security pitfalls.

The cloud is on the move, though, as more than a third using the cloud to some degree, with another third contemplating some kind of cloud move.

What is your best and worst cloud experience? Share at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 07/13/2011 at 1:18 PM


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