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Mac Laptop Finds Own Thief

Even though I don't own one I am a fan of Mac laptops. Why? Because three of my kids have them and have never had software problems. Hardware is another issue. Whatever you do, buy AppleCare. You'll need it!

Now there is another reason to love these little lappers. They are excellent law enforcement devices.

Recently Josh Kaufman returned to home to find his apartment ransacked and his precious Apple purloined. Fortunately he had just installed spy software that uses the camera to film whoever is using the machine and GPS to track the machine (and the thief) down.

The information is stored on the Web, so you just log in and watch what your machine is watching. And yup, Josh got his laptop back.

This is great news -- but there may be a sinister side to this software. One could use the laptop to invade another's privacy. Predators and other creeps could have a field day leaving their laptops lying around. Who would suspect that innocent MacBook is watching your ever move?

How do you see it: good or bad? Answers welcome at

Posted by Doug Barney on 06/06/2011 at 1:18 PM


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