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Google Laptops a Telecom Scheme?

So a decade or more after Larry Ellison and Scott McNealy barnstormed the concept of a network computer, one is finally due to arrive. Google is set to deliver a laptop that relies pretty much exclusively on the Web for apps and data storage.

I'm almost always connected, so maybe this new Chromebook will do the trick. Yet I have several concerns: First, these puppies will cost around 500 smackers, more than an entry-level laptop with generous storage. Then, where are the apps? How much do they cost? Where is my storage and how much does that cost? Finally, Google is pushing for 3G data access. How much is this?

This feels like a move out of the cable companies' playboook. You want TV, which used to be free, you have to pay. And they always find new things to charge you for.

Does Chromebook sounds like a colossal money suck? What say ye? Correspond at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 05/13/2011 at 1:18 PM


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