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Someone's Got My Data

On Monday I got an e-mail from the Marriott. I thought it was about my reservation for Tech-Ed in Atlanta next month. No, this "Important Notice" told me that a company I had never heard of (Epsilon) may have inadvertently leaked my e-mail address and related data. Epsilon is a marketing company, i.e. they do loads of e-mail for Marriott and a myriad of other large corporations to manage customer communications.

Epsilon did not give my information away willy-nilly. Instead, some ninny cracked the Epsilon databases, and e-mails like mine can now be used for spam, phishing and other nefarious deeds.

Like before this break-in, common sense makes sense. Any e-mail that asks you for your information, social security number, passwords, etc., beware!

Posted by Doug Barney on 04/06/2011 at 1:18 PM


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