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Doug's Mailbag: Tuned In?

Here's some reader thoughts on Microsoft's desktop management tool Intune:

We're a small organization of 20 users and have been using Intune beta 2 for several months now…and we like the product.


  • Captures malware, resolves it and sends us a notification of both; also sends notification if it can't resolve the malware to let us know we need to manually fix the problem
  • Can push Microsoft updates out to computers but allows us to review and approve them before pushing them out
  • Client install is easy and doesn't use a lot of resources; can easily schedule regular scans, and definitions are updated automatically behind the scenes
  • The service successfully inventories software and hardware
  • It's great to not have to install and maintain the administration console in-house; there are a variety of features offered such as scheduling updates, setting notifications, creating policies to apply to individual computers or groups of computers


  • It took us a bit of time to really understand the organization of the Administration Console; it's not necessarily the most intuitive layout but once we got used to it, it's easy to use

We'll be signing up to use the service; we do have our own Software Assurance for Windows so we'll take advantage of the discount that will be offered for organizations with SA.

I may not have heard correctly but in the presentation Webinar I attended as a partner it appears that your $132/year also includes a full upgrade license to Windows7 Enterprise edition with SA.  If so, that pays for the $132/year all by itself, and the rest of the stuff is essentially free.  We'll find out more of course, but I think this is an awesome deal.

Share your thoughts with the editors of this newsletter! Write to [email protected]. Letters printed in this newsletter may be edited for length and clarity, and will be credited by first name only (we do NOT print last names or e-mail addresses).  

Posted by Doug Barney on 03/14/2011


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