Microsoft On the Up and Up?
Boy what a difference a decade or two makes. When Bill Gates ran the show, Microsoft was known for using its market muscle to drive competitors (and even loyal third parties) out of the market. That got the attention of both the FTC and the Justice Department.
And for as much as Steve Ballmer is seen as a hard-driving CEO, under his leadership Microsoft has had a decidedly lighter touch -- at least as far as the competition is concerned.
The same cannot be said for some others who took a page from the old Microsoft playbook to play fast and loose with issues such as privacy.
In the computer software category, Microsoft was recently considered an ethical company alongside Adobe and a few others
Rivals Google and Facebook, each with its own fair share of privacy violations, were nowhere to be found.
Does Microsoft deserve this designation? Tell to me straight at [email protected].
Posted by Doug Barney on 03/18/2011