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Servers Up, PCs Too

IDC recently released a report claiming that server shipments increased, on a dollar basis, over 13 percent for the third quarter. This is the most impressive showing in the last decade, IDC says.

Microsoft owns nearly half of the server OS market, while Linux weighed in with 17 percent. IBM mainframes came in at 8.6 percent -- not too shabby for big iron. Unix continues to disappear, with revenues down almost 10 percent.

Meanwhile, Gartner released a report of its own, claiming that PC shipments, while slowing, remain healthy.

Originally Gartner thought the PC market would grow close to 18 percent this year, but downgraded it to 14.3 percent.

Tablets such as the iPad are crimping PC sales. In fact, I'm trying to decide between a Windows 7 netbook or an iPad to use when I travel.

Which do you suggest and why? Cast your votes at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 12/03/2010 at 1:18 PM


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