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Reorg Time Again

While many key execs at Microsoft, such as Steve Ballmer and Bob Muglia, have had stable jobs for years, reorg is a constant for many others. This week Ballmer promoted three Redmond-ites to division president roles.

First up is Kurt DelBene, the new head of the Microsoft Office Division, replacing Stephen Elop, who eloped with Nokia and is its new CEO.

Next up is a reorg in the gaming and mobile space, where Redmond is doing great on the first part and far less on the second. This all used to be one unit, but is now two, with Don Mattrick to run entertainment and Andy Lees to run the mobile space, which is either distressed or up and coming, depending on your perspective (or whether you work for Microsoft or not!).

Posted by Doug Barney on 10/04/2010 at 1:18 PM


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