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HP To Print 9,000 Pink Slips

Over the next few years, HP will shell some 9,000 workers and use the money it saves to buy machines. No, the workers aren't being replaced by robots or HAL. HP plans to build more data centers to run cloud apps. Besides buying new gear, HP plans to consolidate the data centers it already has, which will require less man (or woman) power.

HP won't exactly turn tiny. It will still have some 300,000 employees after all is said and done. 

And while the 9,000 heads are on the chopping block, HP plans to hire 6,000 new workers in the same time frame, for a net loss of 3,000 slots.

Is HP making the right move, or it is sacrificing workers for a small boost to the bottom line? You tell me at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 06/02/2010 at 1:17 PM


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