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Google and Microsoft at War

Doug is still in transit today, but he'll back for Monday's edition of Redmond Report. Filling in for him is Editor Michael Domingo.

One rumor floating around the blogosphere is that Microsoft is making a deal with Twitter and Facebook that would allow Bing to search status updates. Twitter would be an easy one to do, but Facebook is problematic, as most of those updates are private.

It's funny, but as I was writing this and looking for confirming reports straight from the Redmond campus, like a shot across the bow, Google straight-up announced its own Twitter updates search deal.

Looks like Google is taking Microsoft and Bing seriously now. Does that mean we have a real war brewing or has it been brewing all along? Tell us what you think by e-mailing [email protected].

Posted by Michael Domingo on 10/23/2009 at 1:17 PM


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