I have three kids that are dedicated Mac-oholics. One sure sign? Every time they see one on TV, they have to point it out. For instance, there's an ad that runs non-stop on basic cable for, which is software that promises to speed up your PC.
"Look, Dad, there's an iBook!" they all said in unison. And there's an iMac! They sure looked like Macs to me, but there are so many styles of laptops and monitors, I wasn't 100 percent convinced.
But the idea stuck in my head, and each time I saw the commercial I became more and more convinced these were Macs, even though the company points out the software only works on PCs. Then, leaning on my vast virtualization knowledge (I did found after all), I argued that these Macs may have been running Windows under Boot Camp or Parallels.
"Nothing doing," my son David said. "That iBook is a PowerPC -- it can't run Windows!" It's times like this I wish I didn't have such bright kids.
In preparation for writing this item, I did a little Googling (or Windows Live Searching, in Microsoft parlance) and found a blog about this company. Turns out, those were Macs. Even worse, the company is flagged by many as offering software that's barely effective and may actually be harmful. I can't confirm 100 percent that this is true, but there are some rather compelling reports on the matter. Google "Ascentive" and you'll soon see what I mean.
Posted by Doug Barney on 07/13/2009