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Googling for Developers

Everyone always says Google is a threat to everything. I get the search and content aggregation (i.e. stealing) part. But taking over apps and operating systems? I just don't see it.

And maybe that's because so much of what Google does is in stealth mode. It just doesn't broadcast what it does as boldly as Microsoft.

One way Microsoft gained so much control was through developers. Get them using your languages, tools and operating system and the world is yours.

Google is going the same way, and at its recent I/O Developer Conference showed off Wave, a new tool that turns various Web feeds such as Twitter and Facebook into a single real-time stream.

So what does that mean? I'm not sure. I guess is if you are addicted to these social networking and media sites, Wave could act as an uber-RSS -- all your tweets, songs, postings and photos come in non-stop.

If I were a younger man, say a pimply-faced teen, this would be nirvana. But I have enough just to keep up with e-mail. I don't need to spend the day reading every new tweet that Wave streams my way.

Is Wave cool, or could it be the world's biggest distraction? You tell me at

And is Google a serious development competitor? If so, why? Your insight welcome at

Posted by Doug Barney on 06/08/2009


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