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Inside IE 8

Redmond magazine's online news editor Kurt Mackie and I just talked to Mike Nash, corporate vice president for Windows product management, about IE 8.

I had my own opinion of IE 8 based on over 50 Redmond Report readers who wrote me. My take based on your take is that the beta and release candidate are far from primetime and that many of the new features were pioneered by other browsers, but if stability issues are resolved, it could be a solid enterprise browser.

Nash was obviously far more bullish, arguing that IE 8 should not just be an enterprise browser, but the enterprise browser. He argued it has the best security, is easiest to manage (many of you agree here) and has usability tweaks that make it fun and efficient. Tell me where Nash or I are wrong at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 03/11/2009 at 1:16 PM


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