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Jobs Bails on Macworld

Let's say there's a big independent convention that does nothing except gather your customers and promote your products. Oh, and they offer you the keynote so you can shock the world with amazing new products. "Where do I sign up?" you might ask.

But if you're Steve Jobs, you'd ask, "How can I bail?"

That's what Apple and Jobs are doing with Macworld. Job cancelled his keynote and next month's Macworld will be the last Apple will support. Instead, Apple will push its own events. Can you say proprietary?

My beef is that Apple isn't reaching out to new markets. It's not reaching out to the enterprise (we've offered Apple opportunities to talk to you Redmond readers, but it had little interest). It's not reaching out to middle- and low-income consumers (or the Third World) with aggressively priced products. And now it's not even reaching out to its own customers!

What would you do to expand the Mac market? Suggestions welcome at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 12/18/2008 at 1:16 PM


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