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Microsoft Can't Stop Talking about Azure

Once Microsoft pre-announces a product with massive competitive implications, it simply won't stop talking about it 'til the darn thing ships -- no matter how long it takes. The idea is to convince customers that Microsoft is the most important game in town, even if it doesn't have a product.

That's what's happening now with Azure, Microsoft's upcoming cloud services platform. Latest case in point: a speech by David Treadwell that treads over some old Azure ground and then added some news in the form of a real, live (or is that Live?) demo.

I'm not how much was real and how much was Memorex, but Treadwell showed how he could launch a document and then make it available to others over the Web. Sort of like Google Docs, I guess.

Posted by Doug Barney on 11/13/2008 at 1:16 PM


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