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Chrome Might Get You Home

On Tuesday, I gave a sneak preview of Google's browser called Chrome. Soon after I wrote the item, the download became ready. Matt Morollo, our VP of publishing here at Redmond magazine, wrote to me raving about Chrome and how fast it was. I also heard from a Redmond Report reader or two who were similarly impressed.

I downloaded Chrome on a spare computer -- the one my daughter Lauren gave me when she made her now famous and controversial switch to the Mac -- and gave it a whirl.

Like the Google home page itself, the interface is sparse. It did a fine job of importing my Firefox bookmarks (which are synced on my machines through Foxmarks), so I was ready to browse. It did seem pretty snappy, and the tabs were easy to figure out (it uses the same Ctrl-T shortcut as Firefox).

But I didn't see a lot of features -- they seemed as sparse as the interface. I'm sure they're there, or will be, or maybe I just need to spend more than five minutes looking for them. The good news for Microsoft fans (and shareholders): It only runs on Windows!

Have you tried Chrome? What do you like or dislike and what does it mean for the future of IE? Your expert analysis is welcome at [email protected]. Or if you want your comments to be considered for a review in our print magazine, fill out the comment form here.

Posted by Doug Barney on 09/04/2008 at 1:15 PM


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