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Forrester's Split Personality

A week or two ago, Forrester Research raised a stink with a report saying that enterprise uptake of Vista was more anemic than a German POW. Microsoft spat back that other Forrester analysts have a more upbeat view of Vista. Funny thing was, a Microsoft exec blogged about the company's misgivings and got hammered in comments from real Vista users.

Now Forrester has a new report from a different analyst with a different perspective. Analyst Benjamin Gray blames the economy for poor Vista adoption, an argument I don't understand. As I mention in my next item, it costs more money to buy a new machine and downgrade to XP than it does to just keep Vista.

Gray expects more corporations to make the Vista move due to better security, and suggests that IT "migrate to Vista sooner rather than later."

Is Vista ready now? Is Gray on to something, or just on something? Thoughts welcome at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 08/27/2008 at 1:15 PM


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