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Yahoo Fight Gets Wacky

You would think that when billions of dollars are at stake, the stake holders would all have their stories straight. But Yahoo and Microsoft have very different versions of what led to the offer Microsoft made to acquire Yahoo's search business.

The offer was made on Friday and fairly promptly rejected by the Yahoo-ites. This surprised Microsoft, which claims that the chairman of the Yahoo board, Roy Bostock, solicited the offer. After receiving the offer that Bostock allegedly asked for, called Microsoft's behavior "erratic and unpredictable."

Say what you will about the folks in Redmond, I've never seen them all erratic and unpredictable. In fact, every time I've seen the company act erratic, it was part of a greater plan.

What is your sense of Microsoft's behavior, especially since Gates has steadily given up power? Your thoughts welcome at

Posted by Doug Barney on 07/15/2008 at 1:15 PM


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