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How Secure Is Vista, Really?

Before Vista was released, Symantec put out a detailed critique of Vista security. It was a well-written though odd document, as it criticized some items that were being fixed before final release, and even blasted some items that had already been taken care of!

Now that Vista is out, Symantec has a new document, "Security Implications of Microsoft Windows Vista."

The last missive, talking about pre-release software, was pretty scathing. Even though Microsoft is going after a security market Symantec pioneered, the new Symantec document is pretty dang balanced.

I walked away believing that Vista, while not perfect, is far more secure than XP. And with more and more attacks going after applications and Web 2.0-style technologies, it is harder and harder to argue that Linux and the Mac are intrinsically safer.

We are doing a special report, "The True State of Vista Security." Let me know, in detail, your thoughts and experiences in this matter. Also, let me know if I can quote you and how! You know the address: [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 03/06/2007 at 1:15 PM


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