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Who's a Rat?

A year ago, I ran across, a site where snitches and informants are exposed. I didn't quite know what to think.

Some of the profiles indicated that the informants were bigger dirt bags than the folks they finked on. But it seemed a rather dangerous undertaking. Bikers, the mob and gang members aren't always shy when it comes to revenge, and having your name, photo and address plastered on a Web site about rats isn't the healthiest thing in the world.

The authorities are becoming increasingly worried that this site will make informants targets. However, most of the material comes from records that are publicly available, so an angry party who does enough legwork can get it anyway.

What do you think? Is an example of free speech, a public service or a dangerous site that should be shut down? Let us know at [email protected].

Oh, and is now a paid site.

Posted by Doug Barney on 12/05/2006 at 1:15 PM


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