Windows Servers

Microsoft Delivers Record-Breaking October Patch

Microsoft broke its own patch delivery record again with the release today of its October security update.

16 Security Fixes Expected in Microsoft's October Patch

Microsoft's forthcoming October security update will be another historic rollout.

Happy Anniversary Windows: The Windows Operating System Turns 25

After a quarter-century, Windows has gone from a long-awaited experiment to the dominant software product in the world. But the operating system's past isn't necessarily a prologue for what could be an uncertain future.

The Many Faces of Microsoft...

Could there be fewer versions of Windows? More importantly, does it matter?

FIM: At the Forefront of Identity Management

A look at what FIM, Microsoft's latest evolution of meta-directory services for active directory, might be able to do for your shop.

Windows Storage Server 2008 R2 Released to Manufacturers

Microsoft released word yesterday that its Windows Storage Server 2008 R2 operating system was sent to equipment manufacturers (OEMs).

Microsoft Takes HPC to the Cloud

New release aimed at broadened use of Windows HPC Server.

Microsoft Releases Preview of Windows SBS 7

Microsoft today released a test version of Windows Small Business Server code-named "7," which is the successor to the current SBS 2008 product.

UPDATE: Microsoft Warns of Flaw Affecting ASP.NET Apps

Late on Monday, Microsoft published additional information about an ASP.NET flaw, which is now being exploited.

EMET Wards Off Adobe Exploits, Microsoft Says

Microsoft is heralding its newly released Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit 2.0 as a fail-safe against hacker incursion methods.

September Security Patch Addresses Windows and Office Flaws

IT pros can now get their hands on nine fixes for Windows systems, addressing 11 vulnerabilities.

Office Communications Server Renamed Lync, Close to Release

Microsoft has renamed its Office Communications Server Lync Server 2010 and has posted the release candidate and a planning tool.

Microsoft Plans Nine for September Patch Tuesday

For the second month in a row, Microsoft will be rolling out a heavier than usual patch load of nine.

RemoteFX Enhances the RDS User Experience

RemoteFX represents a significant update to the graphics-processing capabilities of the Remote Desktop Services (RDS) core Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).

What Is Microsoft's Next Billion-Dollar Business?

Whether you're in the camp that believes that Microsoft is too dependent on its cash cows or the one that thinks that Microsoft is spreading itself too thin, it's worth considering which product will be the next billion-dollar baby in Redmond.

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