Windows Servers

Microsoft Script Explorer Beta for PowerShell Released

Microsoft on Monday released a new beta-test search tool for PowerShell users that's designed to help them find code across local and online repositories.

UPDATE: Windows Server 8 Beta Has Online Backup Service

Microsoft late last month quietly rolled out an online backup service for use with its Windows Server 8 beta.

PowerShell Seen as 'Additive' Element in Windows Server 8

Microsoft this week further explained its PowerShell leanings with Windows Server 8.

Microsoft Preps 6 Fixes for March Security Update

Microsoft's monthly security update will feature six items – one labeled "critical," four "important" and one moderate, according to the Microsoft Security Bulletin Advance Notification.

Active Directory Change Reporter 7.0 Review

Active Directory Change Reporter 7.0 offers some useful features for Active Directory admins who want to get a better handle on what's going on in their environments.

Windows Server 8 Beta Arrives With Multiple Enhancements

Microsoft today announced the beta of Windows Server 8, with the bits are already available for download and testing.

Microsoft Releases Betas of Windows 8 and Windows Server 8, and Opens up the Windows Store

Microsoft today released betas of Windows 8 and Windows Server 8, and opened up its Windows Store for downloading applications.

Microsoft Offers 'Fix it Center Pro' Beta Service

Microsoft today unveiled a beta of a new service for IT professionals that can scan Windows systems for problems.

Microsoft February Security Update Includes 4 'Critical' RCE Fixes

Microsoft today released its Security Update for the month of February, featuring four bulletin items classified as "critical" and five "important."

Survey: PowerShell Skills Matter

Want a job in Windows IT? Get your scripting skills down.

System Center Key for 'Mature' Windows IT

To get the most out of System Center, you can't just implement it -- you have to dedicate your shop to automation.

Kerberos Authentication 101: Understanding the Essentials of the Kerberos Security Protocol

Knowing the basics of this pervasive protocol can be critical in troubleshooting and solving Windows security problems.

UPDATE: System Center Advisor Service Now Available

Microsoft rolled out its System Center Advisor service last week, which provides a best-practices check on server deployments.

Microsoft's Roadmap for 2012 Charted by Analyst Firm

Consultancy firm Directions on Microsoft has outlined expectations for Microsoft's product roadmap in 2012 and beyond.

Dell Unveils 200-VM Server for Private Clouds

Dell added to its partnership with Microsoft (and VMware) on "private cloud" technologies by announcing a new hardware product designed to host as many as 200 virtual machines.

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