Windows Servers

5-Minute How-To: Quick and Easy Web Servers with Windows PowerShell

A step-by-step guide to help you deploy IIS and default Web sites using PowerShell in less than five minutes!

Quick Guide: What's New in Windows Server 2012 Active Directory

Greg Shields lays out the new and improved features to look for in Windows Server 2012's Active Directory.

Top 5 Free Microsoft Tools for Active Directory Health

How to evaluate the health of an Active Directory implementation with instrumentation built right into the platform.

Analyst Breaks Down Microsoft's BYOD Licensing Scenarios

The bring-your-own-device concept is a simple one, but Windows shops may find the licensing somewhat perplexing.

Predictions and Suggestions for Microsoft's Upcoming Product Lineup

Brien discusses some of the changes Microsoft is going through with its products' latest lifecycle and provides some suggestions for what he would like to see.

Microsoft .NET Framework Repair Tool Released

Microsoft released version 1.0 of its .NET Framework Repair Tool late last week.

Microsoft Updates System Center 2012 SP1 With Windows Server 2012 Support

Microsoft on Friday released the second community test preview System Center 2012 Service Pack 1, which works with Microsoft's latest state-of-the-art products.

RemoteFX Named as Microsoft's New VDI 'Umbrella Brand'

Microsoft announced at TechEd this week that it has advanced RemoteFX as a brand that covers a collection of its virtual desktop infrastructure technologies.

TechEd Day 1: New Windows Intune, Enhanced Dev Tools Announced

Microsoft announced a few cloud- and developer-oriented tidbits today at its TechEd event, which is being held this week in Orlando, Fla.

Hyper-V Server 2012 Takes On ESXi 5.0

Microsoft appears to be pitting Microsoft Hyper-V 2012 against VMware ESXi 5.0 for hypervisor superiority, with a bevy of new features that include Hyper-V being capable of to scaling up to higher physical and virtual memory limits.

TechEd 2012: A Turning Point?

As Microsoft prepares to release the most radical redesign of Windows in its history -- and bolsters its cloud computing platform -- TechEd 2012 will prep IT pros and developers.

Windows Server Auditing: Third-Party Solutions Are a Good Thing!

Why the one size-fits-all approach wouldn't work for you or Microsoft.

Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2012 Released

Microsoft on Thursday released the latest version of its toolkit for deploying Windows systems and applications.

Microsoft Releases MAP Toolkit 7.0 Beta

A beta of the Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit version 7.0 was released last week.

Microsoft Releases EMET 3.0 Security Tool for Windows

Microsoft today released its latest anti-exploit tool that's designed to add security for various software programs running on Windows systems.

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