Windows Servers

Windows Server 2012 Released and Showcased by Microsoft

Microsoft today announced the release of Windows Server 2012 as part of a launch event.

Microsoft Outlines Software Defined Networking Benefits of Windows Server 2012

SDN capabilities will be powered by Windows Server 2012 and System Center 2012 Service Pack 1.

Windows Server 2012 Essentials RC Now Available

Microsoft on Monday released Windows Server 2012 Essentials release candidate.

Microsoft Touts IIS 8.0 Improvements on Windows Server 2012

Microsoft highlighted this month why Internet Information Service 8.0 is a "no brainer" upgrade.

Windows Server 2012 Licensing Tips Outlined in Report

A new Windows Server 2012 licensing report was released this month by Directions on Microsoft.

8 of 9 Microsoft August Bulletins Battle RCE Flaws

Microsoft's monthly Security Update arrived today with nine bulletins addressing 26 vulnerabilities. As with the past few months, remote code execution flaws are targeted in the majority of items.

FreeBSD Now Supported on Windows Server Hyper-V Via Beta Release

Microsoft and collaborators today announced a beta release supporting FreeBSD 8.2 virtual machines on Hyper-V Server.

9 Fixes Scheduled for Microsoft's August Security Update

Microsoft's August Patch Tuesday release will feature nine bulletin items, with five being rated "critical", according to Microsoft's Security Bulletin Advance Notification.

Microsoft Rolls Out Free Script Repository for IT Pros

Microsoft yesterday unveiled a new Web portal that provides free scripts for IT professionals using Microsoft server products.

Windows Server 2012 Released to Manufacturing

Windows Server 2012 was released today to hardware manufacturers, along with the Windows 8 client.

A Treatise on IT Fiefdoms

If you want to get the most out of Windows administration tools like Group Policy preferences (GPPs), you need to break down those walls.

Microsoft Releases Window MultiPoint Server 2012 Beta

Microsoft last week announced that a beta of Windows MultiPoint Server 2012 is now available.

Microsoft's July Security Update Arrives With Unexpected IE Fix

Microsoft released its monthly security rollout today, which includes three fixes rated "critical" and six designated "important."

Windows Server 2012 Editions Revealed

Microsoft announced today that Windows Server 2012 will have only four editions: Datacenter, Standard, Essentials and Foundation.

Review: Inside Windows Server 2012

With a new file system, Features on Demand, and major improvements to storage, networking and clustering, the forthcoming server OS is a substantial move forward for Microsoft.

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