Windows Servers

A New AntiVirus for the New Year

NAV2002 provides maximum protection right out of the box.

Serious Custom Controls for Internet Development

PowerTCP aims for enterprise applications.


E-Labs is a good idea, but has significant weaknesses that should make a prospective buyer beware.

A Method for the Madness

Understanding and applying the Microsoft frameworks can help you bring order and meaning to the chaos of technical projects in your organization.

A Visual Approach to XML Editing

Xseleator offers innovative features for applying XSL stylesheets.

McAfee GroupShield 5.0—The CDC for Exchange

The newest crop of Exchange antivirus products prevents users from receiving infected mail.

SecuriQ: Everything to Nobody

The newest crop of Exchange antivirus products prevents users from receiving infected mail.

Protect Yourself from Lost Passwords

ElcomSoft reliably recovers ZIP passwords.

Mail essentials 2000—KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) Incarnate

The newest crop of Exchange antivirus products prevents users from receiving infected mail.

Your IT Operations Guide

Running behind? Too much to do? Worried about the future? Take a breather and consider how to do your job better. This report shares 10 best practices that will put you and your IT staff ahead of the next fire.

Role Playing

When it comes to security in .NET’s Web services world, it’s going to be vital to know how each application plays its part.

More Flexible Active Directory Management

ActiveRoles takes the tedium out of AD.

Multilingual Matters

With the introduction of WSH 2.0, the power and flexibility of scripting using a variety of languages is yours.

ScanMail 5.1—Your Name's on Everyone's Lips

The newest crop of Exchange antivirus products prevents users from receiving infected mail.

Bah, Humbug

This year has been a trying one for many, but it’s time we remind ourselves about what’s really important in life.

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