Windows Servers

Baking in Security

The aptly titled Writing Secure Code prescribes a best practices approach to hardening your code.

Fake Out

A controlled security challenge still provides valuable lessons.

Sam I Am—Anywhere!

Take Control with Remotely Anywhere 4.

You Got Hacked! Now What?

Hacks are a fact in a connected world. After discovering and expelling the intruders, you have to clean up their messes.

Web Services Exams Go Live

Microsoft makes available two more core exams for the MCAD.NET and MCSD.NET tracks.

Win2K SP3, XP SP1 Share Settlement Changes

Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 and Windows XP SP 1 share a key element—changes to comply with Microsoft’s antitrust settlement with the Department of Justice.

Precise/Indepth for SQL Server

Getting Beyond the Subnet

Moving beyond static IP addresses makes our intrepid script router-friendly and takes you to the great outdoors.

Simplify Resource Navigation With Dfs

The Distributed file system (Dfs), when properly implemented, can help your users get where they want to go. But its usefulness doesn’t stop there.

DNS Expertise at Your Fingertips

DNS Expert Active Directory scores big with the complex, falls short with the simple.

Thwarting Hackers

SecureIIS provides a solid brick in your defensive wall

Doing a Server Double-Take

Despite its lackluster support, Double-Take may be the safety net you need.

The Working Person’s Sniffer

What won’t it monitor?

Need Help Designing Your Network?

Do you have a problem with your network design? If so, let Microsoft Certified Professional Magazine's experts come to your aid.

Unhackable: Windows Challenge Network not Penetrated

Windows Security Challenge network 1, hackers 0.

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