Windows Servers

Server Migration: Moving from Here to There

Migrating servers, users and resources from Windows NT to Windows Server 2003 was a big challenge for our fictional hero. We review a number of third-party tools to help ease his pain.

Q&A: Manage Security Patches

Learn tips for handling patch management and hiding objects.

Pocket Protection for Windows 2003

Day-to-day admin duties spelled out in detail in 285 short, narrow pages.

Weighty Decision in an Exchange/Windows Upgrade

Upgrading from Windows NT 4.0/Exchange 5.5 to Windows Server 2003/Exchange 2003? Simplify your decisionmaking and choose the ADC method.

Exam 70-299 Betas Nov. 26-Dec. 11

Newest security specialist exam to go under beta testing in late November.

Exchange in a Windows World

A few facts about installing Exchange 2003 under older Windows versions.

Gates Highlights Security, Spam in Comdex Keynote

Bill Gates opened Comdex reiterating Microsoft’s security messages and showing publicly for the first time several new security and spam-blocking technologies.

Windows XP OS Exam Beta Testing This Week

Exam 70-271 also to continue beta testing to Nov. 20.

Local Admin Rights, Right or Wrong

Based on your feedback, the issue of local admin rights isn't cut and dried.

Microsoft Offers Bounties for Virus Outlaws

Stung by brutal virus attack after brutal virus attack on its core products, Microsoft is fighting back with a $5 million reward fund for those that turn in virus authors.

Exchange 2003 Exam Goes Live Next Week

New exam for Exchange specialist titles debuts November 10.

Q&A: Secure Your Active Directory

Use Windows Server 2003 features to prevent denial of service occurrences in Active Directory. Also discover the best way to implement a time management service.

New Mail Carrier

Exchange Server 2003 is out, with improvements in mobile access and content delivery, and enhanced Outlook Web Access functionality among other upgrades. Here are the top 13 new features you need to know about.

Take Inventory of SMS 2003

This rev of Microsoft’s desktop management tool has been in the machine shop for three years. Now that it’s nearly here, let’s look under the hood.

Power Up Offline Files

A feature for mobile users.

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