Windows Servers

Red Hat OpenShift To Support Windows Containers in 2018

Microsoft and Red Hat are continuing their integration and support efforts for running Red Hat open source technologies on Microsoft Azure virtual machine infrastructure.

How To Edit the Active Directory Using ADSI Edit

While catastrophic if done incorrectly (always back up!), the editing the registry is the only solution to problems that Active Directory tools can't fix.

How To Delete a Corrupt Windows Server Storage Pool

When things go wrong, we turn to a PowerShell command to right the ship.

Microsoft Previews Web Server Security Baseline Tool

Microsoft this week offered yet another preview of a new Operations Management Suite (OMS) feature, this time focused on checking the security compliance of Windows Web servers.

Microsoft Releases Advanced Threat Analytics Version 1.8

Microsoft released the latest version of its Advanced Threat Analytics forensic security solution this week.

Q&A: Microsoft Program Aims To Ease Windows Server 2016 Software-Defined Complexities

A senior product manager on Microsoft's Windows Server engineering team tells how the Windows Server Software Defined program works.

Microsoft Transitioning Windows PowerShell 6.0 into PowerShell Core

Microsoft recently explained its Windows PowerShell roadmap plans, which will increasingly focus on PowerShell Core, going forward.

Microsoft Releases First Windows Server 2016 Build for 'Insider' Testers

Microsoft this week released its first preview build of Windows Server 2016 to its Windows Insider Program testers.

How To Stop an Imminent Reboot

Sometimes you just can't be interrupted by an update and reboot. Here's a simple solution to pause the task until later.

Microsoft Adds Nation-State Protections in June Security Patch

Microsoft released June security updates today, but it also included "critical" updates for unsupported Windows systems to address "potential nation-state activity."

Microsoft Warns Exchange Server Users To Avoid .NET Framework 4.7

Microsoft today issued an announcement warning that current Exchange Server versions don't support the newly released .NET Framework 4.7 and that organizations using the server should block the installation of the new framework for the time being.

Handle More Tasks with Configuration Manager

Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) is now easier to use and offers improved mobile device management and support for Office 365

Microsoft Lists Products Using Insecure SMB 1 Protocol

Microsoft this week started publishing a list of devices and software products that use Server Message Block 1.

IDC Advocates for 'Patch Independence' Mindset To Address Security Risks

IDC offered a somewhat contrarian view this week on how organizations should best protect against security incidents.

Microsoft Offers More Advice on Disabling Windows SMB 1

Microsoft's position on Server Message Block version 1 in Windows systems is that organizations should just get rid of it.

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