XP/Vista/Windows 7

Protect Your PDAs, PDQ!

You know about security for networks and laptops. But what about security for hand-helds? What? You don't have a plan?

Certified Mail: February 2003

Scripting tools; upgrading to .NET; .NET by any other name.

Of Profit and Pickles

OK, so maybe Licensing 6.0 wasn't such a stupid idea after all.

Simple Solutions

The Windows XP/2000 Answer Book brings complex topics into focus.

Simplicity Has Its Advantages

What VisualPulse 3.0 lacks in sexiness, it makes up for in features.

Get Prepped

Self Test's MCSE exam tools help get you ready for the real thing.

While You Were Sleeping

Tired of 3 a.m. trips to the office? Enjoy a good night’s rest with these five Web-based monitoring tools.

The Essential Infrastructure

Source-code control, unit testing, daily builds and bug tracking—using these support pieces daily can help you deliver robust code on a reasonable schedule.

Frag Out!

When it comes to sluggish hard drives, this handy script will help keep you moving.

File Resurrection

Undelete 3.0 can bring a dead file back to life.

Web-Based Monitoring A La Carte

IPSentry has a bevy of features that you can buy as needed; what's lacking is a Web-based administration interface.

Installation With RIS

In the last of his two-part series on Windows 2000 Server installations, Bill tackles the complexities of Remote Installation Services.

Office, Developer Training Now Offered Through IT Academy

IT Academy rolls out training for Microsoft Office Specialist and Microsoft Certified Application Developer certifications to participating schools.

DevPartner Debugger for Oracle Visual Studio Edition

Smoothing the lines between Visual Studio and Oracle.

MCSA Sees Significant Growth in First Year

The past year saw the introduction of two new Microsoft certifications, and one grew by leaps and bounds in its first 12 months.

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