XP/Vista/Windows 7

With Windows 2008 Come New MCP Benefits

Microsoft Learning improves MCP benefits package with access to Microsoft Partner-level support articles and improved transcript and certification manager.

Coming: Virtualization Validation Program From Microsoft

Microsoft hopes to have validation testing services available when its long-awaited Windows Server virtualization technology comes online next year.

Top 10 Internet Security Trends for 2007

Data breaches, ongoing integrity concerns about the Windows Vista operating system and spam, which reached record levels this year, topped Symantec's Top 10 Internet security trends of 2007 list.

Vista Still Getting Mixed Reviews

Windows Vista is now on the migration map for most enterprise customers, at least according to one researcher. But it's still getting hammered in the media.

Microsoft Releases Beta of High-Performance Computing Server

Microsoft took the next step into the arena of high-performance computing (HPC) today when it announced the release of the first beta of Windows HPC Server 2008, the successor to Compute Cluster Server 2003.

Two Hotfixes for Patch Tuesday

In one of the least stress-inducing Patch Tuesdays in memory, Microsoft released just two security bulletins today, one "Critical" and one "Important."

Non-Security Vista Updates Released

Microsoft announced that it plans to release today three non-security updates to Windows Vista, which will coincide with Patch Tuesday.

Microsoft Details Windows Server 2008 Versions, Pricing

New server OS from Microsoft will come in eight different versions, including Web-specific server and server virtualization product.

Microsoft Server Virtualization Product Christened 'Hyper-V'

Microsoft has unveiled the official name of the server virtualization technology that will be included with Windows Server 2008 early next year: Hyper-V.

Light 'Patch Tuesday' On Tap

November looks to be one of the thinnest patches releases of 2007 as Microsoft said it plans to release just two security bulletins.

Microsoft CEO Plays Down Google Threat

Microsoft Chief Executive Steve Ballmer, in Tokyo to launch new Windows Live services, played down the threat of Google on Thursday, denying the rival was ahead in any way but in online searches.

Microsoft Centro Redubbed Windows Essential Business Server

Microsoft's mid-market server bundle now has a name: Windows Essential Business Server, which is slated to hit beta two in 30 to 60 days.

Windows Live Emerges From Beta

After a trickle of updates and "betas" bearing the Windows Live moniker, Microsoft Corp. is ready to start promoting its official package of free desktop programs for e-mail, instant messaging, blogging and sharing photos.

Microsoft Separates Sharepoint Services from Windows Server; Developers Shrug

Developers shrugged off Microsoft's decision this week to revert to a separate download deliverable of Windows Sharepoint Services.

Microsoft Separates Sharepoint Services from Windows Server

Developers shrugged off Microsoft's decision this week to revert to a separate download deliverable of Windows Sharepoint Services.

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