XP/Vista/Windows 7

Windows 2008 Exams Go Live

Microsoft releases three new exams for its newest network operating system in March.

Sun-Microsoft Collab Results in Interop Center

Sun, Microsoft are working together to develop a set of guidelines for implementing Exchange Server 2007 on Sun server and storage hardware.

Lawsuit May Have Driven Vista Virtualization

Court papers suggest that Microsoft's change of heart earlier this year to open up Windows Vista virtualization licensing may have been influenced by litigation.

TechMentor 2008 Preview: The New Group Policy Preferences

Derek Melber shows how you can eliminate logon scripts, become more secure and even save money with the new Group Policy Preferences in Vista and Windows Server 2008.

With Launch Show on Road, Microsoft Seeks Early Adoptors

One week after Microsoft officially launched the 2008 versions of Windows Server, Visual Studio and SQL Server, the company has taken its show on the road.

Zend Core PHP Certified for Windows Server 2008

Zend Technologies has achieved Microsoft Windows Server 2008 certification for one of its PHP products.

Microsoft Expands Office Live Workspace Beta Worldwide

After nearly three months of private beta testing, Microsoft Office Live Workspace is being rolled out worldwide as a full public beta.

Trustworthy Computing: Examining Trust

Microsoft's Trustworthy Academic Advisory Board has been keeping tabs on security issues -- external as well as internal -- that continue to challenge Microsoft's developers. Here's a peek into the board, which marks five years on watch.

Vista Pricing Cut Worldwide

Microsoft to cut prices on Windows Vista. The timing of the price cut would coincide with the retail availability of Vista Service Pack 1.

Report: Microsoft Readying New SaaS Push

According to blogger Nicholas Carr, Microsoft may be preparing to make a major Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) announcement soon, possibly at its Mix '08 conference this week in Las Vegas

E-Mails Tell Tale of Intel, HP and Microsoft's Vista Capable Logo

The company's "Vista Capable" standard appears to have been partially influenced by decision to help Intel sell components with lower graphic capabilities.

Who Doesn't Prefer Sushi?

Windows Server 2008's Group Policy Preferences makes balancing your security needs with users' preferences a little easier.

Where Virtualization and Open Source Collide

Citrix's Peter Levine discusses the company's Windows and open source virtualization strategies, as well as coopetition with Microsoft.

The Windows Firewall: You Can Turn It on Now

Too intimidated to enable your Windows XP and Windows Vista Firewall? Be afraid no more.

European Commission Slaps Microsoft With $1.3 Billion Fine

European Union fined Microsoft 899 million Euros for failure to comply with the EU's 2004 finding that Redmond was engaged in monopolistic practices.

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