XP/Vista/Windows 7

Microsoft Appeals $1.3B European Commission Penalty

Microsoft appealed penalty for noncompliance with an earlier European Commission antitrust ruling against the company.

Windows Home Server Backup Problem Fixed

A bug that caused problems when backing up files in Windows Home Server has been fixed, according to an announcement issued by Microsoft on Wednesday.

Four Patches Coming in May

Three patches will target critical remote code execution exploits in Microsoft Office, Publisher and the Jet Database Engine.

CTP2 of Windows PowerShell V2 Released

Microsoft issued the second community technology preview of its scripting and management tool for servers using Windows operating systems.

UPDATE: XP SP3 Available Via Windows Update

Microsoft said that users of Windows XP can now gain access to Service Pack 3 through Windows Update and the Microsoft Download Center.

Exec Describes Microsoft's 'Social Networking' Vision

A Microsoft executive involved with the company's Windows Live efforts outlined some of the company's ideas about cloud-based computing and social networking technologies today.

Microsoft Quietly Rolls out Vista Service Pack 1

The update introduces a few changes, but no noticeable performance improvements.

The Multi-Core Muddle

PCs are moving to multi-core as operating systems, applications and languages struggle to keep up.

Glitch Postpones Windows XP SP3 Availability

One of Microsoft's retail point-of-sale applications has an incompatibility with Windows XP Service Pack 3 and Windows Vista Service Pack 1.

Vista Speech Macros Beta for Developers Released

Advanced developers who want to tell their computer what to do (literally), rather than punch keys or click on icon, may want to check out a "pre-beta" technical preview of Windows Speech Recognition Macros for Vista.

Microsoft's Revenues Flat in 3Q 2008 Report

Microsoft had flat revenue results as reflected in its third-quarter 2008 report.

Live Mesh: An 'Open Platform' for Developers

Amit Mital, general manager of Microsoft's Live Mesh group, had a message for developers attending the Web 2.0 Expo underway this week: Think open platform.

Microsoft Nixes XP Extended-Life Rumors

Windows XP, which will no longer be sold after June 30, will not get a reprieve despite Ballmer's quip at a press conference about relenting to customer feedback.

Microsoft and Novell Take Linux Licensing to China

Microsoft and Novell have stepped up their collaborative efforts on open source operating system technology and intellectual property by moving their controversial enterprise Linux licensing agreement into the Chinese market.

Update: North American Imagine Cup 2008 Crowns Winner

Team Sparx takes away top honor and trip to global final in Paris in July.

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