Windows 7

Windows 8: Hyper-V on the Desktop

Virtualization solutions in Windows 8 will help with the data size for mobile devices.

Malware Report Gives Windows Clean Bill of Health

For the first time since security firm Kaspersky started tracking malware threats, Microsoft products are off the company's top-10 list of vulnerability concerns, according to its recent quarterly report.

Windows 8 Discussions Get the Green Light

Microsoft has opened a space for public dialog about Windows 8, its next client operating system, which is currently under development.

New Microsoft Report Details Security Process, Offers Patch Management Tips

Microsoft released a report this month updating the progress of the Microsoft Security Response Center in ensuring software security.

Motorola 'Completely Open' to Mobile Windows Platform

A top executive at Motorola suggested on Tuesday that the company is open to a deal with Microsoft on Windows.

Report: Windows 7 Top-Selling OS by End of 2011

According to a recent Gartner projection, Windows 7 will be on 42 percent of all PCs at the beginning of 2012.

Hefty Microsoft August Patch Delivers 13 Security Fixes

The August patch is a bulky one as Microsoft released 13 fixes today.

Windows Kernel's Graphics Component Still Filled with Holes

Security researcher Tarjei Mandt has found dozens of vulnerabilities in the graphics control component of Windows Kernel.

Microsoft Readies 13 Security Bulletins for Tuesday

The August patch from Microsoft will be thick with security fixes.

Laplink Offers Discount on Windows Migration Tools

Laplink Software is taking on the Windows XP upgrade problem by offering a discount on its migration tools.

Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack 2011 R2 Released

Microsoft on Monday rolled out a second release of Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack 2011.

Automating Windows 7 Deployments (and It's Free!)

Take the time to get the most out of Microsoft's free Windows 7 automation deployment tools -- you won't regret it.

IE 9 Upgrades Can Save Millions, Study Asserts

Upgrading from Internet Explorer 8 to IE 9 can represent a cost benefit to organizations, according to a June Microsoft-commissioned study.

Future of Office: What We Know So Far

Mary Jo Foley offers a round-up of all the inside Office information she's been tracking.

Top 7 News Stories for IT Pros from Microsoft's Partner Conference

Here are the top stories IT pros can take away from Microsoft's Worldwide Partner Conference 2011.

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