Windows 7

A Step in the MCSE Direction

This book, while thin in some areas, will help young IT workers get a better grasp of Windows 2000.

Distinguishing Windows 2000 MCSE Early Adopters

Are you a card-carrying Windows 2000 MCSE? If you achieve the title before Oct. 31, 2001, you very well may be one.

A Few of My Favorite Things: NSLookup

Compaq knows a thing or two about troubleshooting large networks. Here are some of the utilities and programs it uses most and likes best for Windows 2000.

A Few of My Favorite Things: ReplMon

Compaq knows a thing or two about troubleshooting large networks. Here are some of the utilities and programs it uses most and likes best for Windows 2000.

Redmond Unveils Windows .NET Server Exams

New exams planned for general availability in early 2002.

Active Directory Guides Available

"Best practices" papers now available on Microsoft's Windows 2000 resources site.

MCSE Exams Discount Extended One More Month

Selected MCSE core and electives exams available for 25-percent until end of September.

Microsoft Preps New Tracks for Systems Admins, Developers

Redmond examining exam matrices for new tracks, which candidates may attain as early as first quarter 2002.

Windows XP Exam to Debut in Q4 2001

Windows XP/.NET Server exams outlined at Microsoft Fusion.

Cert Group May Add New Titles

Microsoft's Certification and Skills Assessment group plans to announce new tracks for systems administrators and developers.

It's a Reference! No, It's an Exam Prep!

The truth is, O'Reilly's MCSE guide works well as either.

Aspirin for Your Active Directory Headaches

Is the thought of migrating your NT network to AD giving you sleepless nights? This tool can help you rest easier.

A Better Task Manager?

This replacement adds thread and window management.

Respecting Authority

CAs play a vital role in managing identity between networks and aren’t difficult to install—as long as you plan wisely.

XPerience the Delays

Hey, Redmond! When it comes to the latest, take the time to make sure it’s the greatest.

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