Windows 7

Central Management

Once installed, bvControl tames servers.

Know What You're Getting Into

Offering more than just design basics, this book delves into the management of large-scale LANs.

Microsoft Press Offers Exam Discount with New Training Kits

Purchase the second edition of selected Microsoft Press MCSA/MCSE-related exam prep materials and get a discount voucher for related exams at VUE.

Microsoft Outsources Development of MCP Exam

In a precedent-setting move, Microsoft has chosen an outside company, ACT, to develop an MCP exam.

Survey: Win2K is Most Well-Known Microsoft Product

Windows 2000 is now the Microsoft product on which MCPs have the greatest amount of knowledge, perhaps reflecting Win2K’s growing pervasiveness in the market.

October Beta Planned for Implementing Security Exam

Security exam to face scrutiny of beta testers Oct. 10-17.

Javelina Releases Active Directory Toolset

Javelina Software, a four-year-old company with a background in Banyan Vines, launched a toolset for Active Directory administrators on Tuesday at the MCP TechMentor conference in San Diego.

10-Dot Subnetting

A back-to-basics look at subnetting.

Security, List By List

Security checklists are valuable—but only if you use them. Follow along on Microsoft’s list and harden a server.

Will You Strike It Rich?

A review of CBT Nuggets' video-based MCSE training.

Profile Management Made Simple

AutoProf Profile Maker 7 lets you manage Outlook profiles with ease.

Getting Carded

Smart cards can dramatically enhance your organization’s security. Here’s what you need to know.

Virtual Training

Sybex's MCSE Virtual Lab, while good, leaves something to be desired.

Blazing the Trail to the 70-216 Summit

Mike Meyer's Passport opens doors for newbies and experts alike.

Well-Rounded Education

Microsoft stays true to its self-paced training kit roots with this MCSA offering

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