Windows 7

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MCSE Designing Windows 2000 Web Solutions Study Guide proves a worthy tool.

Windows 2000 SP3 Top 10 Fixes

Along with hardware and software fixes, this patch addresses recent antitrust settlement compliance issues.

Auditing Patch Management

John needed a way to track and produce management-style reports on patches across his enterprise. Roberta to the rescue!

Shall We Dance? Lab Exercises for Windows Server 2003

Once you’ve set up your lab, these three exercises will help you and your team start learning how to use the operating system’s most intriguing new features.

Name-Serving on My Mind

Accurately resolving computer names on your network is easy to accomplish. But if you don't set things up correctly and attend to it regularly, you're inviting trouble.


When it comes to encoding your scripts, forget about the command line.

What You Don’t Know…

Curtail e-mail abuse with MailAnalyzer 3.0.

Certified Mail: April 2003

Printer troubles; security tracks; success with FUD; and ethics unveiled

What's Happening with Training Companies?

Florida-based GTS is an extreme example of what's happened in the broader computer training industry, but some CTECs have managed to remain in business with reputations intact.

SQL-BackTrack for SQL Server 3.0

Back up the back end.

PE Explorer

Poke around in the dangerous world of Portable EXEs.

CodeSMART 2003 for VS .NET

An add-in that makes VS.NET smarter.


A unified look at ActiveX and COM components.

ANTS Profiler

A low-overhead, non-intrusive code optimizer.

Visual UML

Drag-and-drop UML diagramming.

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