Windows 7

Virtual PC 2007 Release Candidate Ships

Microsoft began shipping the release candidate for Virtual PC 2007 this week, putting the virtualization environment on track for final shipment in the first quarter as expected.

Longhorn December CTP Ships

Just as the holidays kicked off, Microsoft shipped the latest community technology preview of Windows "Longhorn" Server.

Unfair Fight?

Microsoft's assault on a myriad of markets leaves third parties scrambling.

Opening Up New Vistas in Group Policy

Microsoft's latest OS wipes out a raft of nagging problems.

Real Simple

Can moving to an all-Microsoft environment save your business time, money and aggravation? More and more IT departments are saying yes.

Breathing New Life into Microsoft 'Live'

After a frenzied start, why is Live now laying low?

Microsoft Project Keeps Tasks on Track

Project is an already strong contender that will get even stronger with the Project 2007 release.

[email protected]: Jan. 2007

This month, readers weigh in on Vista, life as an IT consultant and the magic of the Unix "file" command.

New-Gen SharePoint, Exchange Exams Go Beta

The Microsoft Learning Group plans to take no time off during the holidays, with work continuing this week on beta testing for several exams.

Linux Deal: Too Good to Last?

Microsoft-Novell reach pact, then come to blows.

MCITP: Enterprise Support Upgrade Exam Hits Beta Phase

Upgrade exam for MCDST certification holders goes through testing rigors in next two weeks.

Feds: NJ Worker Put 'Bomb' in Computers

Systems administrator alleged to have planted logic bomb that could have wiped out critical patient data.

A New Meaning for CIO?

Emmett won't be surprised if the "I" in CIO soon stands for integration instead of information.

Gates Testifies -- Via 1998 Videotape

Lawyers show videotape deposition of Bill Gates in class-action lawsuit against Microsoft.

'Big Yellow' Worm Hits Antivirus Program

Worm hits some systems using Norton Antivirus, even though company issued patch back in May.

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