Windows 7

Vista Ultimate Customers Await Their 'Extras'

Vista Ultimate has been out more than half a year now, and several prominent Windows bloggers have been asking when more Extras are coming.

Microsoft's Roadmap Steers Toward the Present

For a change, Tech-Ed focuses on the here and now.

'Orcas' Beta a Killer?

An early look at the next Visual Studio shows better tools integration and more features.

Vista's Six-Month Report Card

What, precisely, is dragging the OS down?

Microsoft Debuts Office Live Meeting 2007

Upcoming service seen as a key piece of company's Unified Communications plans.

Set Access Control on Mandatory

Getting past the complexities in Windows Integrity Control.

Surgient To Support New Microsoft, VMware Virtualization Offerings

A new August offering by virtual lab maker Surgient will add support for two key enterprise virtualization products: VMware ESX Server 3 and Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1.

Microsoft Readies Partner Fix for 'Downgrade Rights' Issue

A Microsoft executive this week confirmed that Microsoft is close to offering a first step to help remedy the problem of Vista "downgrade rights," which posed complications for partners.

Microsoft Offers $500 Vista PC in India

Microsoft Corp. will sell "affordable" Windows computers aimed at students in India.

MCDST Ugrade Exam Goes Live

Earlier this week, Microsoft put exam 70-621 up for general availability.

Windows Server 2008 CTP Released

The CTP release makes it appear increasingly likely that the successor to Windows Server 2003 will be shipped early next year.

UPDATED: Vista Desktop Search Fight Gets Uglier

The Microsoft-Google spitting match over desktop search is getting wetter every day, with Google now claiming that Microsoft's remedies don't go far enough, and Microsoft arguing that Google has a bad case of sour grapes.

New Views on Vista

Results of CDW's survey of 753 U.S. IT decision-makers.

The Bugs Keep Coming for Safari on Windows

Unless there's a pressing need in your environment, you might want to hold off on installing the beta of Apple's Safari browser for Windows, as every day seems to bring a new bug report.

Backlash Against IP Protection Deals Heating Up

For the past several weeks, there has been a rush among some Linux vendors to ink patent protection deals with Microsoft. But that may have spurred a backlash, as other Linux companies are asserting their independence by refusing to go along with what they see as knuckling under to Microsoft's legal threats.

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