Windows 7

States Ask Court To Extend Microsoft Oversight

A group of states led by California asked a federal judge Tuesday to extend court oversight of Microsoft Corp.'s business practices for five more years.

Key Microsoft Virtualization CTP Coming This Year

Microsoft's new server virtualization product is on schedule -- albeit a delayed schedule -- and expects to make a community technology preview (CTP) available with the first release candidate of Windows Server 2008.

'Patch Tuesday' Fixes Released

As expected, Microsoft's September "Patch Tuesday" update contains fewer security patches than in recent months -- four, to be exact.

Is Microsoft Office In Trouble?

Is Microsoft Office in danger of having real competition for the first time in a decade? That's the question being asked this week, as the battle for office productivity suites heats up on several fronts.

Security Changes Coming in Vista SP1

Microsoft will unveil three security enhancements as part of its upcoming Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1) release, slated for early 2008.

'Windows Live' Gets a Step Closer to Live

The next beta versions of the products that make up the Windows Live suite were made available today.

Microsoft Antitrust Compliance on Track

Microsoft Corp. has submitted a test version of its Windows Vista operating system with features that make it easier to use non-Microsoft programs to search PC hard drives, according to a report issued by the Justice Department Friday.

RODC in the USA

You can use Windows Server 2008 to build a hack-resistant, read-only DC.

What's Behind the Windows Server 2008 Delay?

Microsoft published almost no details earlier this week with its announcement that Windows Server 2008's release to manufacturing date had slipped.

States Seek More Oversight of Microsoft

A group of states led by California said in a court filing Thursday that ending oversight of Microsoft's business practices in November would not allow enough time to consider the antitrust implications of Windows Vista.

Search Changes Coming in Vista SP1

Although Microsoft didn't mention it in today's announcement about the upcoming release of Windows Vista SP1, the company confirmed today that one of the major changes will be to open up desktop search functionality to competition.

Windows Server 2008 Pushed Back -- Again

Windows Server 2008, Microsoft's delay-plagued next-generation server OS, is being delayed yet again.

Windows XP SP3 Coming Next Year

Windows XP's first service pack in nearly four years should be pushed out the door some time around mid-2008, according to Microsoft.

Windows Vista SP1 Due in Early 2008

A public beta will be available in a few weeks

Windows 2008 Transition Exam Vouchers: See You In September

Vouchers for those who ordered back in June will finally get the voucher codes in September, when Windows Server 2008 transition exam goes into beta testing.

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