Windows 7

Microsoft Cuts Royalties in Europe

Microsoft agreed to obey key parts of a 2004 antitrust ruling upheld by EU appeals court, cutting royalties and handing information over to open source developers.

Microsoft Working Toward Less Complexity With New Kernel

Redmond reveals that it's working on a stripped-down version of the Windows kernel that would dramatically reduce its footprint.

4 More States Seek Microsoft Oversight

Four states press federal court to extend by five years oversight of the software company that began in 2002 as part of a landmark antitrust settlement.

Windows Auto Update Continues To Aggravate

The Windows Automatic Update might be a patch management and change control issue, observers say.

Windows 2008 Upgrade Exam Set for End of October

Upgrade exam for MCSEs contains material based on pre-release version of Windows 2008, according to Microsoft.

Court Rejects Microsoft, Best Buy Appeal

The Supreme Court rejected an appeal by Microsoft and a unit of Best Buy to dismiss a lawsuit alleging violation of racketeering laws.

Security Flaw Affects XP, Windows Server 2003, IE7

Recently discovered security hole in Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 uses Internet Explorer (IE) 7 as the attack vector; fix is coming.

Microsoft Pulls One Fix From 'Patch Tuesday'

Microsoft rolled out six security bulletins on its "Patch Tuesday" today, one fewer than expected.

Top 10 Overlooked Windows Server 2008 Features, Part 2

On Friday, we presented the first installment of the "Top 10 Overlooked Features of Windows Server 2008." Today is part two. These are technologies included in Windows 2008 that you may not have heard much about, but could make your life as a Windows IT pro a lot easier.

Top 10 Overlooked Features of Windows Server 2008, Part 1

Windows Server 2008 is on its way. With the first release candidate in the pipeline, it shouldn't be long before release to manufacturing and general availability.

Seven Patches Coming From Microsoft

Microsoft expects to release seven security patches with four "Critical" and three "Important" bulletins as part of its upcoming Patch Tuesday release.

Microsoft Tries To Rope In Unlicensed XP

Microsoft yesterday announced the Get Genuine Windows Agreement.

Server Manager Responds to Users' Needs

Technology better consolidates Longhorn's management functions.

Why Is Redmond So Bullish on Office Live?

Despite the offering's rocky beginnings, Office Live may still turn out to be a pleasant surprise.

A Call for More Flexible Desktop Standards

Cavalancia thinks you need to accommodate Web 2.0 and Vista apps.

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