Windows 7

Vista Made Easy

Ready to make the move to Windows Vista? Use these insider tips to quickly become an expert.

So You’ve Decided to Skip Vista ...

You’re not alone -- Microsoft's latest operating system still isn't making much headway in terms of enterprise adoption. Here's what you need to know about keeping XP alive.

Amazon To Host Microsoft Solutions in the Cloud

Amazon announced on Wednesday that it is conducting a private beta test of Microsoft's server products running on Amazon's hosted computing platform, which is called Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).

WoW: Microsoft, Cisco Continue to Cozy Up

Windows Server on WAAS -- an appliance that merges Cisco's Wide Area Applications Services with Windows Server 2008 -- is available to order.

Microsoft Takes Stock, and Ballmer Hits the Road

Microsoft has been sending signals to investors this week amidst a U.S. economy teetering on the edge of a major financial meltdown.

SQL Server 2008 Hits High Mark, Minus the Competition

Microsoft cited top TCP-E benchmark results for SQL Server 2008, but there's just one problem -- the test fielded no other DBMS competitors.

Windows 7 Bits To Be Released at PDC'08

Microsoft hopes to draw crowds to its upcoming Professional Developers Conference by making Windows 7 bits available to the public attending the event.

Microsoft Targets Windows HPC Server 2008 for Mainstream

Microsoft released Windows HPC Server 2008, the datacenter-class OS that promises to broaden development and implementation of high-performance computing applications.

More Windows 7 Leaks Sprout

Microsoft's strategy for keeping recent builds of its latest operating system tightly under wraps sprang a few holes last week.

UPDATED: Microsoft Targets Windows HPC Server 2008 for Mainstream

Microsoft released on Monday Windows HPC Server 2008, the datacenter-class operating system that promises to broaden the development and implementation of high-performance computing applications on the Windows platform.

Windows Essential Business Server Hits RTM Status

With RTM milestone met, Windows Essential Business Server is expected become generally available on November 12.

Card Use Can Stem ID Theft, Microsoft Says

Microsoft this week released a white paper on identity theft with the aim of starting a "vendor-neutral" discussion on the use of "information cards" as an Internet security solution.

Private Tests of Windows 7 Lead to Release Rumors

Microsoft won't say when the first public beta release of its Windows 7 operating system will occur, but some possible dates have been anonymously leaked.

Vista Desktop Licensing Plan Has Its Virtues, Gartner Says

Microsoft has two new licensing options under its Vista Enterprise Centralized Desktop program.

Microsoft, IBM and EMC Team on ECM Interop Spec

An industry specification for content management interoperability services has been floated by three players in the enterprise content management (ECM) space.

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