Windows 7

Enterprises Still Prefer XP, but Its Time Is Running Out

Windows XP powers "71 percent of PCs within North American and European enterprises," according to a report published last week by Forrester Research.

5 Hot Tips: Get More out of Windows Server 2008

IT pros are learning how to take advantage of the hidden talents in Microsoft's newest server OS. Here are five tips to get you started.

Windows 7 Passes Beta Tests

Thus far, Vista's successor is looking better than its maligned predecessor.

Windows 7 Waits on Partner Readiness, Sinofsky Says

Users testing Microsoft's Windows 7 Beta have been asking Microsoft when it will release the final product, but Microsoft isn't saying right now, according to a Windows 7 team blog posted on Friday.

Testing Begins for Vista SP2 Release Candidate, Reports Say

Microsoft has advanced to the next testing phase by issuing Release Candidate "Escrow"-build versions of Service Pack 2.

EU Dispute May Mean Unbundling Internet Explorer

A dispute with the European Union might change how Microsoft distributes its software in the region.

Feds Slog Through Windows 7 Documentation

Microsoft's rollout of Windows 7 Beta, the company's newest operating system, has resulted in a stepped-up workload for the Department of Justice effort overseeing Microsoft's compliance with a past federal court antitrust ruling.

Security Change From the Top

MSRC gets new leader, while old leader moves up; IE8 stems clickjacking; Conficker continues to confound; payment cards -- now, more vulnerable.

Microsoft Battles Worm, Rebuts CERT Claim

Microsoft is still trying to control the Conficker worm, both the bug itself and news about how it's handling it.

Some Software Giants Unscathed by Bad Economy

Despite grim stats announced on Thursday by Microsoft in its fiscal second-quarter report, at least one company in the software IT sector reported positive 2008 quarterly earnings.

IBM Irks Microsoft Officials, Unveils LotusLive

IBM on Monday rolled out social networking and collaboration services for businesses called "LotusLive," which integrates with IBM's venerable Lotus Notes e-mail and calendar application.

Microsoft Not Driving PC Upgrades, Analyst Suggests

Microsoft's disappointing second-quarter earnings showed just how dependent the software giant is on new PC sales.

Microsoft Lays Off 1,400; More Coming

Microsoft announced lower than expected earnings for its second fiscal quarter said that it will eliminate 5,000 jobs over the next 18 months.

Microsoft Consolidates Two Online Services Teams

Microsoft is reorganizing two of its online teams -- Live Mesh and Live Services -- by centralizing them under a Windows segment, according to reports from Mary-Jo Foley and Todd Bishop published on Friday.

Microsoft Quietly Updates Live Mesh

Microsoft announced a client update to the beta version of Live Mesh on Tuesday.

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