
Virtualization May Help With Windows Bloat

The Microsoft Windows operating system has become unwieldy and is choking on the amount of code that needs to be maintained.

Microsoft Faces Skeptics at Open Source Conference

Nearly a year and a half after striking their improbable alliance to provide better interoperability between open source and Windows-based platforms, Microsoft and Novell told developers this week that the pact has yielded technical benefits but there's still work to be completed, particularly on the interoperability between the two companies' enterprise directory platforms.

Gartner: Virtualization 'Highest Impact' Tech Through 2012

When it comes to infrastructure and operations, research firm Gartner says that virtualization will be the most significant trend through the next four years.

Running on Automatic

Automating your virtualized data center can be a challenge.

The Redmond Reader Survey

Readers reflect mixed emotions on Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, virtualization and the corporate juggernaut that is Microsoft.

Driving VMware

The virtualization stalwart's product guru, Raghu Raghuram, helps the company set its sights on next-generation products and services.

VMware Embeds ESX into OEM Servers

Vmware Inc. has taken the next step in delivering virtualization to the IT masses by bundling a lightweight hypervisor into OEM hardware.

Microsoft Launches Key 2008 Products in Los Angeles

Redmond officially rolls out Windows Server 2008, Visual Studio 2008 and SQL Server 2008 in Los Angeles event.

VMware Announces Hypervisor Deals for Dell, HP, IBM and Fujitsu-Siemens Servers

Today at VMworld Europe in Cannes, France, VMware announced that within the next 60 days ESX 3i hypervisor will ship embedded in servers from its partners Dell, IBM, HP and Fujitsu-Siemens.

IBM Rolls Out System z10 Mainframe, Plus Dev Tools

IBM today announced the debut of its new System z10 mainframe computer for enterprise data centers.

VMware Moves to Automation

One of the great things about virtualization is that it makes it incredibly easy to add a new server -- or 10, or 100 new servers.

Study Highlights Use, Challenges, and Future of Virtualization

Although 54 percent of large enterprises around the globe rate management of their virtual server environment as a critical or high IT priority, fewer than half (45 percent) think their companies are doing it effectively, according to CA's global survey about virtualized environments released this week.

Alfresco Survey Polls Enterprise Stack Practices

The second Alfresco Open Source Barometer survey found a general trend toward the use of mixed open source and proprietary software in the enterprise.

Citrix Announces New XenServer Editions, Renames Presentation Server

Citrix today formally announced Citrix XenServer 4.1 and Citrix XenServer Platinum Edition.

Microsoft Will Release Vista SP1 Early to 'Technical Customers'

Microsoft reversed an earlier decision that would have forced IT pros to wait until mid-March to get their hands on Windows Vista Service Pack 1.

Study: Servers Lead Virtualization Pack

A global enterprise virtualization survey released today confirms that virtualization is becoming stronger and stronger in the enterprise, with server virtualization leading the wave.

Flash Ads Serving Up Malware on Popular Sites

Malicious Flash banner ads have been surfacing on major web sites including,, and in the last month, according to media reports.

IBM, Sun Make Ambitious 'Virtual' Announcements

Virtualization took center stage again last week, as both IBM and Sun unveiled ambitious new virtual offerings

Virtualization Done Differently

Microsoft's SoftGrid Application Virtualization makes managing applications more secure.

Amazon Expands Into Data Center Market

Critics thought it was over the top when Inc. expanded from books into music in 1998. When the Web retailer let competitors start selling things alongside its own inventory in 2000, they said Amazon had gone nuts.

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