So, you think you know how password policies work in Active Directory? Well, you might ... or you might not. Find out how to manage Active Directory password policies in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
- By Derek Melber
- 08/03/2011
Microsoft on Monday rolled out a second release of Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack 2011.
Google this week announced that it will return a malware notice with search results for users deemed to have infected systems.
- By William Jackson
- 07/22/2011
Microsoft has been working to reduce security flaws in its Windows x86-based family of software products using an automated testing solution built by its own research group.
Microsoft today announced a cash reward of $250,000 to anyone providing information that leads to the criminal conviction of the Rustock botnet perpetrators. according to a blog post.
A somber note of sorts hit the 2011 Worldwide Partner Conference as Microsoft executives alerted the crowd of Windows XP's impending end, at least in terms of lifecycle support.
- By Scott Bekker
- 07/14/2011
As expected, the July patch from Microsoft arrives rather light with only four security bulletins -- one "critical" and three "important."
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 07/12/2011
Cloud computing security concerns outweigh the potential cost savings by a two to one margin, according to a recent survey of government and industry IT professionals by nCircle.
- By William Jackson
- 07/11/2011
Windows IT pros may be breathing a sigh of relief that the only fireworks in July occurred on a day off for U.S. workers.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 07/07/2011
Microsoft today released new information on the Rustock botnet ring, showing decreased infection rates since law enforcement actions took place.
After previously advising Windows users infected with a new rootkit nicknamed 'Popureb' to completely reinstall the OS, Microsoft yesterday retracted, saying a complete wipe is not necessary.
The FBI this week announced the arrest of two people suspected of being involved in a "scareware" scheme that extorted $74 million from about one million computer users over the last three years.
- By Kevin McCaney
- 06/24/2011
Google on Monday announced the availability of a test version of its Google Chrome Frame plug-in for Internet Explorer that installs without requiring administrative privileges.
Simon Crosby blogged that he's joining two other founders at Bromium; company will focus on security and virtualization solutions.
- By Jeffrey Schwartz
- 06/22/2011
In an team up to attack government Web Sites, hacker groups LulzSec and Anonymous announced their intent to steal classified information and are encouraging others to follow in their footsteps.
- By Kevin McCaney
- 06/20/2011
Computer malware has been a big problem for decades, but it seems to be on the upswing lately, requiring a thorough response.
The hacker group Lulz Security has claimed responsibility for breaking into the U.S. Senate's Web site over the weekend.
- By Kathleen Hickey
- 06/15/2011
What some security pros are calling the beginning of a long hot summer for Windows security jumped off in earnest with the June patch that features 16 bulletins -- nine "critical" and seven deemed "important."
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 06/14/2011
According to market research firm Gartner's newly revised forecast, growth of PC shipments will dip down into the single digits this year due to shifts in consumer spending.