Google's contract to provide the city of Los Angeles with cloud-based applications faces completion issues after nearly two years.
The Homeland Security and Commerce departments are evaluating a list of possible voluntary industry standards that may be implemented to combat malicious networks of compromised computers controlled by online criminals.
- By William Jackson
- 10/14/2011
New security evasion techniques can be used to get through firewalls, researchers contend.
- By William Jackson
- 10/12/2011
Microsoft today released its October Security Bulletin, which includes eight bulletins that address 23 vulnerabilities -- with two bulletins labeled "critical" and six "important."
Zero-day software vulnerabilities may be alarming, but a new report from Microsoft sees them as not the biggest risk for organizations and PC users.
Microsoft released information on eight patches in its advanced notification of the October monthly security bulletin.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 10/06/2011
The Government Accountability Office has released a report showing that security incidents at 24 federal agencies have increased 650 percent during the last five years.
- By Alice Lipowicz
- 10/04/2011
A team at the National Institute of Standards and Technology have come up with a new mapping procedure to quantify cyber threats.
- By William Jackson
- 10/04/2011
The updated service features impressive remote-management and deployment capabilities.
- By Derek Schauland
- 10/01/2011
Microsoft released Security Advisory 2588513 yesterday, which advises users of the threat of attack caused by a flaw in the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) 3.0 and Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.0.
Final rules have been adopted and published for the Federal Communications Commission Net Neutrality policy, which goes into effect Nov. 20.
- By William Jackson
- 09/26/2011
Microsoft addressed a claim that Windows 8 will not allow Linux operating systems to coexist in a dual-boot configuration on PCs.
Six months after Microsoft, in conjunction with local and federal law enforcement, began targeting the Rustock spybot network, it is now handing its case and evidence to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Welcome to the inaugural Freebie Friday, the feature that will highlight some of the best current Microsoft products, from software to ebooks, that won't cost you a cent.
Adobe acted to address a zero-day vulnerability in its Flash Player 10 and lower versions by issuing a a "critical" patch on Wednesday.
- By Editorial Staff
- 09/22/2011
Attacks based on an implementation flaw of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) cryptographic protocol will be demonstrated on Friday by two security researchers.
According to former presidential adviser Richard Clarke, the U.S.'s cyber defense is falling behind the resources and expertise of attackers, which leaves critical infrastructure and data vulnerable to increasingly sophisticated attacks.
- By William Jackson
- 09/20/2011
Microsoft re-released Security Advisory (2607712) yesterday to replace a previous flawed update that failed to include all blocked Web certificates from a Dutch certificate authority firm.
Five "important" security bulletins arrived as scheduled for September's Patch Tuesday, after an unintentional leak of early details last week from Microsoft.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 09/13/2011
This looks to be a lighter patch month, with no "critical" items making it into in September's Microsoft Security Bulletin.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 09/08/2011