Knowing the basics of this pervasive protocol can be critical in troubleshooting and solving Windows security problems.
Targeted cyber crime threats are a growing concern of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, according to officials testifying at a Senate hearing this week.
Microsoft this month described a test service designed to help SQL Azure users monitor the security of their databases housed in Microsoft's cloud.
Fifteen companies, including Microsoft, Yahoo, Google and Facebook, have come together to form
- By Kevin McCaney
- 01/30/2012
Malware might have infected more than 5 million Android mobile devices via deliberately corrupted apps sold in the Android Marketplace, according to security firm Symantec.
Security firm Symantec is advising customers of its pcAnywhere to deactivate the remote desk software after individuals from the Anonymous hacker group allegedly stole the source code of the software.
The first set of guidelines for managing security and privacy issues in cloud computing has been finalized by the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
- By Rutrell Yasin
- 01/25/2012
A "secure boot" feature that Microsoft will require of computer makers with Windows 8 continues to draw controversy.
After Facebook released the names of those responsible for a malware ring targeting the social network's users, the group's central command and control (C&C) server went offline.
In what the "hacktivism" group Anonymous is calling the largest operation in the group's history, it is targeting government and multimedia sites in response to today's arrests and shut down of the file-sharing site Megauploads.
Research by Alienvault Labs has found a variant of the Sykipot Trojan that can be used to compromise the Defense Department's Common Access Cards.
- By Kevin McCaney
- 01/17/2012
Many Web sites will shut down Wednesday in opposition to the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect IP Act (PIPA), currently under consideration by the U.S. Congress.
In celebration of Bill Gates' Trustworthy Computing's (TwC) decade of operation, Microsoft released a retrospective of the company's quality assurance strategy.
As promised in its advance notification last week, Microsoft released seven security bulletins for this month.
The FBI is sounding out about a new variant of the Zeus Trojan that could allow hackers to access bank accounts by malicious e-mail.
- By Kevin McCaney
- 01/09/2012
Malware Suxnet and its sibling Duqu may be just the first of many malicious code attack programs discovered, according to Kaspersky Lab researchers.
- By William Jackson
- 01/09/2012
January's Security Update from Microsoft, arriving next Tuesday, will feature six fixes for Windows and one fix for Microsoft developer tools, according to the company's advance notice.
The "Lilupophilupop" SQL injection campaign has infected 1,070,000 URLs as of last weekend, according to the SANS Internet Storm Center.
A recently released Microsoft security bulletin targeted flaws in Microsoft .NET Framework which, if unpatched, could lead to an elevation of privilege attack.
Members of the Army Knowledge Online portal are being warned that their personal information may be at risk due to the recent hack of intelligence analysis company Strategic Forecasting by the online group Anonymous.
- By Kevin McCaney
- 01/03/2012