December's security update arrived today with five "critical" bulletins and two "important" items that affect all versions of Windows, including its newest Windows 8 and Windows RT.
Microsoft will be finishing off 2012 with a monthly security update that addresses 11 vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer, Microsoft Exchange Server, Office and Windows.
When detecting new zero-day threats, the free Microsoft antivirus software was only able to catch 64 percent of attacks.
The recent report, contributed by 60 companies, lays out what threats loom in the BYOD landscape and what steps an organization can take to secure itself and employees.
Patch Manager 1.8 is a useful companion to Windows Server Update Services, and eases the distribution and reporting of patches and security fixes.
- By Derek Schauland
- 12/01/2012
The vulnerability only affects client-side users.
The Oracle flaw is being shopped online by an unknown source.
Discovered vulnerabilities this early in the software's lifecycle should be neither shocking or unexpected.
Attackers could have accessed your account in a matter of minutes.
Microsoft's first security update after the release of its newest OS features three "critical" bulletin items that address 4 reported issues for Windows 8 and Windows RT.
According to Microsoft's security update advance notification for November, there will be four "critical," one "important" and one "moderate" bulletin items released this coming Tuesday.
A French security company has claimed that it's found a security issue in Windows 8. Want to find out what it is? You gotta pay first.
Why even use a password if you're just going to use easily guessable entries?
Phishers go where the money is.
From hardware to device management to security to IE 10 oddities, here's an in-depth look at what you should be aware of when Microsoft rolls out Windows 8 later this week.
Starting on Friday, Microsoft's bonanza of software and hardware relases begin.
A new Flame malware variant that's designed to steal personal data from a targeted machine was identified by security firm Kaspersky Labs this week.
A new "secure boot" firmware protocol that Microsoft will support with Windows 8 may have stirred up controversies, but it's all old hat for companies like Wave Systems Corp.
You had a good half year if you were in the business exploiting application flaws and spreading malware through software key generators.
Android, which has seen the number of Trojans targeting the platform nearly triple in just the last three months, is being targeted by attackers as high levels due to its large install base.