
Certified Mail, Feb. 2002

Security risks, the "right" security policy, and certification as a foot in the career door.

What’s New with the Directory

Changes are afoot to make Active Directory more flexible.

Pass/Fail Study

If you’re part of a training center that offers on-site testing, MCP Magazine invites you to take part in a research project to evaluate pass/fail rates for exams.

Microsoft: No Separate Security Certification

Microsoft's emphasis on trustworthy computing doesn’t mean its certification group will be adding a security-specific credential in the near future.

2001: Year of the Worm

In releasing its annual Dirty Dozen list of the 12 most common viruses, antivirus and security vendor Central Command called 2001 the "Year of the Internet Worm."

Those Pesky Whistle Blowers

A TechNet article that blames the messengers, not the source, for Microsoft’s security lapses gets Auntie seeing red.

Windows 2000 Defragmentation Tools

Five ways to fight the inevitable disk slowdown.

Windows 2000 Defragmentation Tools: O&O Defrag 2000 Professional

Five ways to fight the inevitable disk slowdown.

Websense Enterprise

More than your average web filter.

Windows 2000 Defragmentation Tools: Diskeeper 7.0 Workstation

Five ways to fight the inevitable disk slowdown.

Windows 2000 Defragmentation Tools: PerfectDisk 2000

Five ways to fight the inevitable disk slowdown.

Hollow Man

Knowing how and when to use null sessions, those invisible connections, can get you out of—or into—trouble.

Windows 2000 Defragmentation Tools: Disk Defragmenter

Five ways to fight the inevitable disk slowdown.

Windows 2000 Defragmentation Tools: Defrag Commander Personal Edition

Five ways to fight the inevitable disk slowdown.

10 Golden Security Rules

The ISO17799 is a group of policies that would be well worth your time to get to know.

What’s It Worth?

This month, Greg and Steve address the value and importance of certification vs. good, old-fashioned experience.

Antigen 6.2: Can I be the Worm Administrator?

The newest crop of Exchange antivirus products prevents users from receiving infected mail.

McAfee GroupShield 5.0—The CDC for Exchange

The newest crop of Exchange antivirus products prevents users from receiving infected mail.

SecuriQ: Everything to Nobody

The newest crop of Exchange antivirus products prevents users from receiving infected mail.

Stop Viruses at the Gate

The newest crop of Exchange antivirus products prevents users from receiving infected mail.

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