A back-to-basics look at subnetting.
- By Bill Heldman
- 09/01/2002
Security checklists are valuable—but only if you use them. Follow along on Microsoft’s list and harden a server.
- By Roberta Bragg
- 09/01/2002
Smart cards can dramatically enhance your organization’s security. Here’s what you need to know.
- By Bill Boswell
- 09/01/2002
Hate it or hate it more, product activation is a necessary evil in the XP world. Here’s how to ease the pain.
- By Chris Brooke
- 09/01/2002
A controlled security challenge still provides valuable lessons.
- By Dian Schaffhauser
- 09/01/2002
Take Control with Remotely Anywhere 4.
- By J. Peter Bruzzese
- 09/01/2002
Hacks are a fact in a connected world. After discovering and expelling the intruders, you have to clean up their messes.
If you want to do IT security because it’s “hot” right now, or because you think that’s where the money is, forget it. If you truly love the field, read on.
- By Roberta Bragg
- 08/01/2002
"Windowsville" residents chime in on the "which OS is more secure" argument; readers debate Microsoft's longevity.
- By MCP Magazine Readers
- 08/01/2002
Despite its lackluster support, Double-Take may be the safety net you need.
- By Suzanne Pacheco
- 08/01/2002
You're no security expert, but you should keep an eye on your perimeter network. Implementing intrusion detection and antivirus measures can help.
- By Bill Heldman
- 08/01/2002
Later this month, Microsoft will begin implementing .NET Passport login for its MCP Secured and MCT Secured sites.
- By Michael Domingo
- 08/01/2002
Easy to use-and effective
- By Bill English
- 08/01/2002
Beta testing for new MCSA/MCSE elective expected in November; plus, certification program unlikely to include lab element in the near future.
- By Michael Domingo
- 07/24/2002
Windows Security Challenge network 1, hackers 0.
Goal of Trustworthy Computing initiative is "To make computing so safe and reliable that people simply take it for granted, just like...the telephone system, water supply and electric power grid," say
When you invite the world to try to hack into your Microsoft network, what's the major security challenge you face? In the case of MCP TechMentor's Windows Security Challenge, it might be the security
- By Dian Schaffhauser
- 07/11/2002
Active Directory’s trust model makes administration easier than NT, but also introduces the potential to do more damage. Make sure your administrators are trustworthy.
- By Roberta Bragg
- 07/01/2002
We solicited readers to provide us with their technical problems, and we were inundated with letters. Here are some of the more provocative problems that we put to you—the readers—to solve.
- By MCP Magazine Readers
- 07/01/2002
Security is a full-time job, but keeping an eye on your perimeter network can cut down the work.
- By Bill Heldman
- 07/01/2002